Body Contouring

Body contouring refers to a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to improve the shape, contours, and proportions of various areas of the body. These procedures are often sought by individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight, have undergone pregnancy, or are simply looking to enhance their body’s appearance. Body contouring can target areas where excess skin, fat, or sagging tissue is a concern.

Here are some common surgical and non-surgical body contouring procedures:

Surgical Body Contouring:

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): Removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightens abdominal muscles, and creates a firmer abdominal contour.
  2. Liposuction: Removes localized fat deposits from areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and more, enhancing body proportions.
  3. Body Lift: Addresses sagging skin and tissue on multiple areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, by lifting and tightening the skin.
  4. Arm Lift (Brachioplasty): Removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms, providing a more toned appearance.
  5. Thigh Lift: Reduces excess skin and fat from the inner and outer thighs, improving thigh contours.

Non-Surgical Body Contouring:

  1. CoolSculpting: Uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells in specific areas of the body, resulting in gradual fat reduction.
  2. Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Treatments: These non-invasive procedures use energy to tighten skin and improve body contours without surgery.
  3. Laser Liposuction: Combines traditional liposuction with laser energy to enhance fat removal and tighten skin.
  4. Injectable Treatments: Dermal fillers and injectables can be used to contour specific areas of the body, such as the buttocks (often referred to as a “liquid lift”).

Body contouring procedures can help individuals achieve more proportional body contours, enhance their self-confidence, and achieve their aesthetic goals. The choice between surgical and non-surgical options depends on factors such as the individual’s goals, preferences, and the extent of correction needed. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon or a qualified aesthetic professional is essential to determine the most suitable procedures for your unique needs and goals.

What does contouring do to your body?

Contouring procedures, whether surgical or non-surgical, are designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of specific areas of the body. The goal of contouring is to create a more balanced, proportionate, and aesthetically pleasing silhouette by addressing issues such as excess fat, loose skin, or muscle laxity. Here’s what contouring procedures can do for your body:

**1. Fat Reduction: Contouring procedures, such as liposuction and CoolSculpting, can effectively target and remove localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. This results in a more sculpted and defined body shape.

**2. Skin Tightening: Some contouring procedures, like body lifts and non-surgical radiofrequency treatments, aim to tighten loose or sagging skin. This is particularly important after weight loss or pregnancy when the skin may have lost its elasticity.

**3. Muscle Definition: Surgical procedures like tummy tucks often involve tightening abdominal muscles, resulting in a firmer and more toned appearance.

**4. Proportion Enhancement: Contouring can help improve the proportions of different body areas, achieving a more balanced and harmonious overall silhouette.

**5. Body Symmetry: Contouring can correct asymmetry or imbalances in body contours, creating a more symmetrical and attractive appearance.

**6. Confidence Boost: Enhancing the appearance of specific body areas through contouring can lead to increased self-confidence and a more positive body image.

**7. Clothing Fit: Many individuals find that after contouring procedures, their clothing fits better and they feel more comfortable in their outfits.

**8. Personalized Results: Contouring procedures are highly customizable to each individual’s unique goals. Whether you’re seeking a flatter stomach, more sculpted thighs, or a toned midsection, there are contouring options tailored to your needs.

**9. Long-Term Improvements: While results can vary based on the specific procedure and individual factors, the improvements achieved through contouring can be long-lasting, especially with proper maintenance through a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important to note that contouring procedures are not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy lifestyle. They are intended to enhance and refine the natural contours of the body. If you’re considering contouring procedures, consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon or aesthetic professional is essential to determine the most suitable options for your goals and needs.

How long do body contouring results last?

The longevity of body contouring results can vary depending on several factors, including the specific procedure performed, individual factors, and how well you maintain a healthy lifestyle. While body contouring procedures can provide significant and often long-lasting improvements, it’s important to understand that the natural aging process, lifestyle choices, and other factors can influence the duration of the results. Here’s what to consider:

1. Type of Procedure: Different body contouring procedures have varying degrees of longevity. Surgical procedures like tummy tucks and body lifts often provide more enduring results compared to non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting or radiofrequency treatments.

2. Maintenance: While body contouring can remove excess fat or tighten skin, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure to help sustain the results. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and avoiding significant weight fluctuations can all contribute to longer-lasting results.

3. Age and Genetics: The natural aging process can gradually impact the skin’s elasticity and the overall appearance of the body. Genetics also play a role in how your body responds to aging.

4. Weight Management: Maintaining a stable weight is crucial for preserving body contouring results. Significant weight gain can affect the distribution of fat and potentially diminish the effects of the procedure.

5. Future Pregnancies: For individuals planning to have more children, it’s recommended to postpone certain body contouring procedures like tummy tucks until after completing family planning. Pregnancy can impact the abdominal area and potentially affect the results.

6. Lifestyle Choices: Factors like smoking, excessive sun exposure, and poor dietary habits can contribute to premature aging and impact the longevity of body contouring results.

7. Follow-Up Care: Attending follow-up appointments and adhering to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions can contribute to optimal healing and longer-lasting results.

8. Realistic Expectations: Understanding that body contouring can’t completely halt the aging process and that some changes over time are natural is important for maintaining realistic expectations.

While body contouring procedures can provide lasting improvements, the exact duration of results can vary. During your consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon or aesthetic professional, they can provide more specific information based on the procedure you’re considering, your individual case, and your goals. To achieve the best and most enduring results, it’s essential to commit to a healthy lifestyle and follow your surgeon’s recommendations for post-operative care and maintenance.

Is body contouring better than liposuction?

Whether body contouring or liposuction is better for you depends on your individual goals, the specific areas you want to target, your body type, and your preferences. It’s important to understand that body contouring and liposuction are not mutually exclusive; in fact, liposuction is often a key component of many body contouring procedures. Let’s explore the differences between the two:


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body using suction. It’s a versatile procedure that can be used to address localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not intended for significant weight loss, but rather for refining body contours. Some key points about liposuction include:

  • Liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other surgeries like tummy tucks or body lifts.
  • It focuses on fat removal and doesn’t address issues like loose skin or muscle laxity.
  • Recovery time varies, but most patients can expect several weeks of healing.

Body Contouring:

Body contouring refers to a range of surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to enhance the overall shape and contours of the body. Body contouring procedures can involve fat removal, skin tightening, and muscle repair. Some key points about body contouring include:

  • Body contouring procedures are often more comprehensive, addressing both excess fat and loose skin, and sometimes muscle laxity as well.
  • They are especially beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or who have undergone pregnancy.
  • Recovery time varies based on the specific procedures involved and can be longer than liposuction alone.

In many cases, body contouring procedures incorporate liposuction as part of the treatment plan to achieve the desired results. It’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and concerns. The surgeon can evaluate your individual case, recommend the most suitable procedures for your needs, and create a personalized treatment plan. Whether you opt for body contouring, liposuction, or a combination of both, the goal is to achieve the results that align with your aesthetic aspirations and body transformation goals.

What is the difference between CoolSculpting and body contouring?

CoolSculpting and body contouring are related concepts, but they refer to different approaches to achieving similar goals: improving body contours by reducing excess fat. Let’s explore the differences between CoolSculpting and body contouring:


CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling technology to freeze and eliminate targeted fat cells. It is a non-invasive procedure that is designed to reduce localized fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise. Here are some key points about CoolSculpting:

  • CoolSculpting does not involve surgery, incisions, or anesthesia.
  • It is performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require downtime.
  • The procedure selectively targets and freezes fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body over several weeks to months.
  • CoolSculpting is suitable for individuals with minor fat bulges who want a non-surgical option and are willing to wait for gradual results.

Body Contouring:

Body contouring is a broader term that encompasses various surgical and non-surgical procedures aimed at enhancing the overall shape and contours of the body. Body contouring procedures can involve fat reduction, skin tightening, and muscle repair. Some surgical body contouring procedures may include liposuction as a component. Here are some key points about body contouring:

  • Body contouring can include both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
  • Surgical body contouring procedures like tummy tucks, body lifts, and thigh lifts often address excess skin, muscle laxity, and fat removal.
  • Non-surgical body contouring treatments can include procedures like CoolSculpting, radiofrequency treatments, and laser liposuction.
  • Body contouring procedures are often more comprehensive and are suitable for individuals with significant excess skin, muscle separation, and more substantial body contouring needs.

In summary, CoolSculpting is a specific non-surgical fat reduction treatment that falls under the broader category of body contouring. While CoolSculpting targets fat cells through controlled cooling, body contouring encompasses a range of treatments and procedures that aim to enhance overall body contours, including addressing issues like excess skin and muscle laxity. The choice between CoolSculpting and other body contouring procedures depends on factors such as the extent of correction needed, your preferences, and your desired outcomes. Consulting with a qualified professional can help you determine the most suitable approach for your individual goals.

Does body contouring work on belly fat?

Yes, body contouring procedures can effectively target belly fat and help improve the appearance of the abdominal area. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat or subcutaneous fat, can be stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise for many individuals. Body contouring procedures specifically designed for the abdominal area can help reduce excess fat, tighten loose skin, and create a more sculpted and toned appearance. Here are some body contouring options that can work on belly fat:

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and can also involve tightening the underlying abdominal muscles. It’s particularly effective for individuals who have excess skin and a weakened abdominal wall due to factors like pregnancy or weight loss.
  2. Liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical procedure that targets localized fat deposits in various areas of the body, including the belly. Liposuction can effectively remove stubborn belly fat and enhance body contours.
  3. CoolSculpting: CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells. It can be used to address belly fat and reduce bulges in the abdominal area.
  4. Radiofrequency Treatments: Non-surgical radiofrequency treatments use energy to tighten skin and can also help reduce mild to moderate amounts of excess fat in the belly area.
  5. Laser Liposuction: This surgical procedure combines traditional liposuction with laser energy to enhance fat removal and stimulate skin tightening, making it effective for addressing belly fat and achieving better contours.

The choice of procedure depends on factors such as the extent of excess fat, the condition of the skin, muscle tone, and your individual goals. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon or an experienced aesthetic professional is important to determine the most suitable body contouring approach for your needs and to ensure that your expectations are aligned with the potential outcomes.

Do you lose weight after body contouring?

Body contouring procedures are primarily designed to reshape and enhance the appearance of specific areas of the body by addressing issues like excess fat, loose skin, and muscle laxity. While body contouring can lead to a more sculpted and toned appearance, it’s important to understand that these procedures are not intended for significant weight loss. The amount of weight lost as a result of body contouring is typically relatively small compared to overall body weight.

Here’s what you should know about weight loss and body contouring:

  1. Fat Reduction: Body contouring procedures like liposuction, CoolSculpting, and laser liposuction can remove localized fat deposits, leading to improved body contours. However, the amount of fat removed is generally not enough to result in substantial weight loss.
  2. Surgical Procedures: Surgical body contouring procedures such as tummy tucks, body lifts, and thigh lifts often involve the removal of excess skin and tightening of underlying tissues. While these procedures can lead to a more toned appearance, they are not meant to be weight loss procedures.
  3. Individual Variation: The amount of weight lost or fat removed during body contouring can vary based on factors such as the specific procedure, the extent of correction needed, and individual characteristics.
  4. Realistic Expectations: It’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of body contouring. These procedures are best suited for individuals who are close to their ideal weight and are seeking to refine their body contours.
  5. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is essential for optimizing the results of body contouring procedures and for overall well-being.

If you are looking to achieve significant weight loss, it’s important to explore other methods such as adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals. Body contouring procedures are more appropriate for individuals who have achieved their weight loss goals and are looking to address specific areas of concern to achieve a more sculpted appearance. Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon or aesthetic professional can help you determine the most suitable approach to achieve your desired results.

Written by Clara Lee